Short Story: Tsuro makes the Wise Investment

Tsuro naGudo. Short story: Tsuro makes the wise investment.
Sekuru Gudo and muzukuru Tsuro going to the market place.

In a village, there lived two friends, Sekuru Gudo and Muzukuru Tsuro. Gudo was not very wise. Tsuro possessed good wisdom.

One day, the two set out for the market to do some shopping. On reaching the market place ‘Mbare’, they were happy to see the items for sale on display. There were sweets, clothes, utensils, toys, birds and pets on sale.

As they moved around, they caught sight of birds of all kinds. The two decided to buy some parrots, as they were very fond of birds.

They asked about the price from the seller. The seller said, “These parrots are $1 each, and those others are $100 each”.

The two friends asked the seller, “Why are the prices different?”

The seller replied,” The ones the cost $1 each are not Wise. They can’t be taught or trained to do anything. The expensive ones are wise, and can learn many things.”

Sekuru Gudo, who was not very wise, decided to buy ten of the cheaper parrots, while Muzukuru Tsuro, the wiser one, decided to buy just one parrot of the expensive variety.

The parrot bought by muzukuru Tsuro. [Source/ Pinterest]

Sekuru Gudo said to Muzukuru Tsuro, “Don’t be a fool. This one parrot will cost you $100, while ten of the cheaper parrots will cost you $10 only! If you buy the cheaper variety, you will not only have more parrots, but will also save some handsome amount of money!

Muzukuru Tsuro listened to Sekuru Gudo patiently and simply smiled, without saying anything. The two, then, made their purchases and left.

The next day, Tsuro started teaching his parrot. Soon, his parrot was well trained. On the other hand, Sekuru Gudo tried hard to teach his parrots, but they would not learn anything.

One day, Muzukuru Tsuro let his parrot fly away. After a few hours, his parrot, the wise one, returned with the ten parrots of Sekuru Gudo. Gudo had lost all his parrots.

Muzukuru Tsuro had eleven parrots now. Sekuru Gudo was left with none.


One wise investment is better than ten foolish investments. Diversify wisely.

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