Best websites for you when investing in African Stock Markets


Best websites for you when investing in African Stock Markets
Best websites for you when investing in African Stock Markets

If you are anything like I was, what a pain. It means you don’t know what you are doing, or in your stock market fundamental and technical analysis you don’t know the information you need or where to find it.

What you need is a “go-to” site – one place to handle the majority of your stock analysis. The trouble is, there’s a million tools out there, all claiming to be the best stock research website. So, which one really is the best? 

Well, it depends on what you’re looking for.

Here is a list of the Best Stock ResearchWebsites and Tools specific to the African markets that will meet your needs and goals as an investor. Plus, a detailed explanation of each sites’ best features and the best thing is that some are for free.

While passive investors may not follow the economic news as much, it’s still a good idea for anyone who invests money to pay attention and be up to date with the current markets. 

That means no matter what investing strategy you use you will still want to follow some of the best stock market investing news. 

The Stock Exchange website

Do you have a stock exchange/ stock market in your country?

There are 29 exchanges in Africa, representing 38 nations' capital markets. 21 of the 29 stock exchanges in Africa are members of the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA).

The Egyptian Exchange (EGX), founded in 1883, is the oldest stock exchange in Africa. One of the oldest bourses on the continent is the Casablanca Stock Exchange of Morocco, founded in 1929 and the JSE Limited in 1887.

There are several notable countries on the continent that do not have a stock exchange. The most notable is Ethiopia, although it does have a commodities exchange in Addis Ababa. In January 2021 a capital market bill was tabled to Ethiopian lawmakers that would establish a stock exchange through a public-private partnership.

The stock exchanges definitely have websites where they offer a glimpse into the workings of the exchange and a unique insight into the world of investing.

The website may also have database comprising stock brokers, fund managers, registered chartered accountants and financial advisers as well as listed companies.

For example: South Africa’s stock market is called the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). They definitely have a website and have a lot of products that they have to drive financial inclusion.

Usually the stock exchange website is the best place to start looking for information concerning investing in shares on the bourse. 

African Financials Website

African Financials works by giving better corporate and investor communications. Their focus is online investor relations to promote secure two-way communications with investors and stakeholders.

The website have information about listed companies by country and by sectors.

The countries covered include Botswana, Eswatini, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

News from listed companies from all these companies are available on the website. From analysis, articles, corporate announcement, dividends, research and press releases.

You will love this because all of this information is absolutely free. Website

African markets was founded in 2012 by Romuald Yonga from Cameroon. Passionate about African equities, Romuald was frustrated by the lack of information available on African stock markets and embarked on an entrepreneurial journey to change that. In March 2012, he launched the first version of from his dorm room in Paris. With a mission to ease the access to information and help unlock the potential of African equity markets.

Later, as the audience of grew, Romuald met Jean-Julien Ilunga from D.R. Congo. Aware of the potential of the platform and convinced they could significantly contribute to the development of African stock markets, they decided to partner and formally set up the company African Markets in October 2014 with the help of Virtuology International, a Belgian investment firm.

The platform is a provider of financial market data, news, analysis and research with a focus on Africa. The platform is entirely dedicated to African stock markets with the added functionality of access to historical data that include share price, market performances, trade volume and daily news.

Click here for more

 Media Outlets and Online e-papers

Although I might be biased in saying that YoAfrik Portfolio Podcast should be a go-to place for personal finance content, this site also is not focused on constant investing news. 

So while you may learn plenty about investing, saving, and making money you’ll want to supplement that with current investment news too. 

But, how do you determine what investing news websites are right for you? 

  • Understand your financial interests and information you need to succeed. This will help you narrow down the right media outlets. 
  • What kind of investor are you currently? Do you day trade? Are you a buy and hold investor? 
  • Look for generally unbiased content and information. Investing news should be used to help you guide your own decisions, not make investment decisions for you. A lot of content out there naturally has their own personal choices, recommendations, or reasons for writing something.
  • Pay attention to the credibility of the media outlet and the particular writers. Again, there is plenty of people out there looking to push ideas or strategies on readers. 

Google Finance

Google Finance is a free stock research website with global stock market prices and the latest stock market news for basic stock research and analysis.

You see the financial market performance, latest news, and earnings calendar and the most frequently researched companies on one page.

Google knows the best what is trending, so this page is a great starting point to see what’s hot in the markets right now. However, this platform has South Africa only in its database.

 Also read: Financial Literature: Books To Read When Looking To Invest In Stocks

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