Interview: Clever Mpofu from Zimbabwe shares his journey on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange


When you enter into a new community or even work, a lot of things change and you have to adapt to the new environment. This also include your circle of friends. We lose our friends to distance and other circumstances, and or make new ones. When I started investing on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange I lost a lot of friends but what is more exciting is that I gained a few who understand me and value growth.

With an understanding that we determine our peer pressure, when I meet someone who invest I really try to make them friends. One of the finest Zimbabwean gospel artists, Mathias Mhere, in a song said:

“Kana chipositora chotaurwa nevakuru vakare terera, usavarega vachienda vasina kutiratidza gwara.”

Although the lyrics talk about something way too different from investing, it taught me how to respect my elders and people who are already in the investing game. I really ask how they do it and what their journey has been. This has helped me learn from their experiences, especially from their mistakes.

When I met Clever Mpofu, I call him ‘baba’ meaning father because of the respect I have for him. I met him in Harare last year during a Zimbabwe Retail Investor Meet and Greet, where I was also a speaker. With his age and how he spared time to be with us, he really earned my respect. Later, we exchanged contacts and we have been close ever since.

We decided to interview Mr Mpofu not because of the friendship we have, but with an understanding that his story will inspire you and me.

I use YouTube and several social media handles as learning tools, and this other day I was watching videos about how to tell better and impactful stories. I really felt a deep resonating feeling with what Nathaniel Drew presented and said.

“We are, as species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories,” he said.

Stories are the best because we can all relate to stories. I hope you learn that people in the same environment as you are, are actually investing on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Listen to the interview here: Interview:Clever Mpofu from Zimbabwe shares his journey on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange

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